Digital realization of the multichannel recorder

Multi channels Digital Voice Recorders, Loggers.Voice over IP, ISDN. Call Center

Multi channels Digital Voice Recorders, Loggers. Professional multitrack special soundcards recording (audio interfaces) Input devices : analog and digital line signals, PBX, microphone, audio input. Voice over IP, ISDN. Call Center. Monitoring. Systems is a computer expansion card that facilitates the input audio and digital signals to computer under control of computer programs. PCI bus cards for computers compatible with the IBM PC optimized for real time

Now the systems of recording created on the basis of the personal computer, practically completely have superseded tape recorders recording on a magnetic tape. The reason is clear: the computer in the best way copes with a problem of storage and sorting of huge volumes of the information, and the price of such system is much lower. Therefore today the system of recording of speech becomes the same habitual attribute of a modern office, as a telephone exchange or the Internet network.

What for it is necessary?
It is achieved by registration of telephone conversations in the office. Automatic registration of date, time and telephone numbers always enables to define, not only the author of a call but also to establish how much he responds his duties. There is very convenient mechanism for a management of the firm to estimate work of the personnel as a whole To analyze international and long distance calls which make the most part of charges for the phone The problem of long phone conversations is also solved.

If agreements are made orally or by the phone then the presence of recording prevents its further free interpretation. The sound allows to restore all details of the bargain and to remind of obligations, being unique acknowledgement of conditions of the contract.

Quality of service by the phone defines the firm. The administration has an opportunity to check quality of work of the personnel. The manager can use system of registration for self-checking and revealing of the weak sides of negotiating. SPECIALIZED ANSWERING MASHINE, DICTAPHONE. Work of system in a mode of recording of entering messages allows organizing further processing of the accepted messages, their listing, and the analysis.

It is used for round-the-clock monitoring service telephone communication lines and it is widely applied by securities of the enterprises and the dispatching centers. The recorded information is irreplaceable for the analysis of actions of employees at realization of special works and investigations in a case:

How it is arranged?
Structurally the system of recording represents the usual personal computers in which the specialized card, to which are connected sources of a speech signal, is set As the channel of reproduction the standard sound card is used. The system can work both on the separate computer, and in a computer network.

ISDN, Basic Rate, PRI, Up0,


Input devices : analog and digital line signals, PBX, microphone, audio input. Voice over IP, ISDN.

How it works?
Activity of the channel is defined automatically according to the given adjustments, as a signal to start a recording can be:

When the channel is active, the information transmitted on it is digitized, compressed and recorded on a hard disk of the PC. At overflow of the disk, the new information overecords the oldest recordings.
In a special database the full information on sessions of communication with the indication of date, time of the beginning, duration, telephone numbers of participants of conversation, a direction of connection, will be stored with the comment and other useful things.
At any moment it is possible to overlook the information on the negotiations brought in a database, having sorted them or having made sample by various criteria to hear recording. All operations on work with system of recording are simple and intuitively clear, do not demand special preparation and are accessible to the usual user of the PC.
For protection against the non-authorized intervention the complex contains system of differentiation of access.

Automatic self-diagnostics of system relieves the user of anxiety concerning integrity of the saved up database and allows to find out loss or substitution of the data in due time.
The specialized applications allow editing sound recordings to carry out processing the recorded signal, to make listing a soundtrack.

Multi channels Digital Voice Recorders, Loggers. Professional multitrack special soundcards recording (audio interfaces) Input devices : analog and digital line signals, PBX, microphone, audio input. Voice over IP, ISDN. Call Center. Systems is a computer expansion card that facilitates the input audio and digital signals to computer under control of computer programs. PCI bus cards for computers compatible with the IBM PC Digital

What is necessary for this purpose ?
If you at office have even one computer all that is necessary for you for the organization of multichannel recording are VRM card from company OMEGA

How much it costs ?
For today the cost of complex VRM is one of the lowest among the similar equipment.

What are the features of the VRM ?
OMEGA - the leading producer in digital voice recording -was the first company in Latvia which carried out its own developing in 1996 and began to deliver SR-X00 digital multichannel speech recording systems for needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and power engineering specialists.
Exclusive simplicity in operation, high reliability and low cost have made these systems rather popular in the Latvian market - they are established and successfully function in the leading banks, special services, security structures, the state and commercial companies, such as Police, fire brigades, Ministry of Defense, Baltic power system dispatching center,leading power supply companies LATVENERGO and LATVIJAS GAZE, medical institutions.

The total number of the established systems reaches 1200.

At creation of the second-generation system - complex VRM long-term experience has allowed to realize the new approach to construction of circuitry and the software. Application of some of its own unique technical decisions and technologies which as a rule are used only in the systems of professional sound processing allow to allocate the complex among the similar systems of other manufacturers. Complex VRM maintains requirements on identification of a voice and a guarantee of reliability of the data.
High quality of recording is combined with a wide range of opportunities on the further processing and the analysis of the saved up information.
The complex is distinguished with the low price, universality and professional realization - that makes it suitable for use in the professional purposes as well as in the private sphere The complex is distinguished with the low price, universality and professional realization - that makes it suitable for use in the professional purposes as well as in the private sphere

Analogue: Telephony and Radio
Digital Extension Taps: ISDN Basic Rate S0, PRI, Up0 ....

Refer to Thales Contact Solutions for an up-to-date list.

The analogue inputs may be connected to a telephone line or any communications device meeting the input level requirements.

Bandwidth: 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz.
Sensitivity: 0,025 - 30 V
Dynamic range: 90 dB
Input impedance: 10 kohms over therange 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz, 600 ohms optional. On an alternating current (AC)
On a direct current DC) more than 10kOm

Isolation: 1.5 kv rms AC, 50 Hz common mode.
compatible Protection for over-current until 250 V
Separation between the channels : 120 dB

Requirements for the host PC
IBM compatible PC
Bus mode PCI-slot for base card

Replay channel : Windows sound system -compatible sound card and speakers. Standard sound card
Operating system :Windows 2000/XP/7
Monitor: SVGA Display with a minimum resolution of 800 by 600
LAN based or stand alone

Replay channel : Windows sound system -compatible sound card and speakers. Standard sound card
Operating system : Windows XP/ 7 / 8
Monitor: SVGA Display with a minimum resolution of 800 by 600

Off-hook detect; continuous record; line activities detection Threshold of the identification on the level of the signal (VOX) Installation in the software

LINEAR INPUT, VOX Start of recording: presence in a line of voltage of the given amplitude.
End of recording: absence of the signal for the defined time
Connection by two-wire line to the source of the signal


Possible parallel connection to the telephone line. In this case a lineal input mode should be set.
The connection to the phone line parallels /sequential.
Threshold of the identification of phone pickup Presence of a current in a line more than 1 mA
Manual start: Special button

Number of channels on one base card 8
The bus :PCI
Power : +5V (DC) 0.7 A max

Sampling rate:8 kHz
ADC (analog-digital converter)12 bit

Handling of a signal: RECORD ON a hard DISK
Record format:
G.711 - Compression 1:2 = 28,8 MB/hour
G.610 - Compression 1:10 = 5,8 MB/hour